Battle Fury

The bearer of this mighty axe gains the ability to cut down swaths of enemies at once.

Battle Fury is an upgraded item, requiring components from the main shop or side shop

Battle Fury


Active: Chop Tree/Ward - Destroy a target tree or ward. Chop cast range is increased when targetting wards. Passive: Quell - Increases attack damage against non-hero units, based on whether the equipped hero is ranged or melee. Does not provide bonus damage against Roshan. Passive: Cleave - Deals a percent of attack damage in a 280 area around the target. Ranged units cannot Cleave.

Damage: +55
Health Regeneration: +6
Mana Regeneration: +150%
Cleave Damage: 35%
Quell Melee Damage: 160%
Quell Ranged Damage: 125%
Chop Tree Cast Range: 350
Chop Ward Cast Range: 450