
In its earliest, and some would say most potent form, magic was primarily the art of memory. It required no technology, no wands or appurtenances other than the mind of the magician. All the trappings of ritual were merely mnemonic devices, meant to allow the practitioner to recall in rich detail the specific mental formulae that unlocked a spell's power. The greatest mages in those days were the ones blessed with the greatest memories, and yet so complex were the invocations that all wizards were forced to specialize. The most devoted might hope in a lifetime to have adequate recollection of three spells--four at most. Ordinary wizards were content to know two, and it was not uncommon for a village mage to know only one--with even that requiring him to consult grimoires as an aid against forgetfulness on the rare occasions when he might be called to use it. But among these early practitioners there was one exception, a genius of vast intellect and prodigious memory who came to be known as the Invoker. In his youth, the precocious wizard mastered not four, not five, not even seven incantations: He could command no fewer than ten spells, and cast them instantly. Many more he learned but found useless, and would practice once then purge from his mind forever, to make room for more practical invocations. One such spell was the Sempiternal Cantrap--a longevity spell of such power that those who cast it in the world's first days are among us still (unless they have been crushed to atoms). Most of these quasi-immortals live quietly, afraid to admit their secret: But Invoker is not one to keep his gifts hidden. He is ancient, learned beyond all others, and his mind somehow still has space to contain an immense sense of his own well as the Invocations with which he amuses himself through the long slow twilight of the world's dying days.


Allows manipulation of ice elements and grants a permanent strength bonus. Each Quas instance provides increased health regeneration.

Hp Regen Per Instance: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7

Bonus Strength: 2/4/6/8/10/12/14

Invoker can only have 3 of any instance.


Allows manipulation of storm elements and grants a permanent agility bonus. Each Wex instance provides increased attack speed and movement speed.

Attack Speed Per Instance: 2/4/6/8/10/12/14

Move Speed Per Instance: 1%/2%/3%/4%/5%/6%/7%

Bonus Agility: 2/4/6/8/10/12/14

Invoker can only have 3 of any instance.


Allows manipulation of fire elements and grants a permanent intelligence bonus. Each Exort instance provides increased attack damage.

Damage Per Instance: 3/6/9/12/15/18/21

Bonus Intelligence: 2/4/6/8/10/12/14

Invoker can only have 3 of any instance.


Combines the properties of the elements currently being manipulated to create a new spell for Invoker to use. Click the help button to see the list of possible spells. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.

Max Spells: 2

Scepter Cooldown: 16/8/4/2

Scepter Mana Cost: 0

The arrangement of instances does not matter.

Invoke's cooldown is not triggered if the only effect is to swap the positions of existing spells.

Cold Snap
Unit Target Enemies Physical

Invoker draws the heat from an enemy, chilling them to their very core for a duration based on the level of Quas. The enemy will take damage and be briefly frozen. Further damage taken in this state will freeze the enemy again, dealing bonus damage. The enemy can only be frozen so often, but the freeze cooldown decreases based on the level of Quas.

Cold Snap Duration (Quas): 3/3.5/4/4.5/5/5.5/6

Freeze Duration: 0.4

Freeze Cooldown (Quas): 0.77/0.74/0.71/0.69/0.66/0.63/0.60

Freeze Damage (Quas): 7/14/21/28/35/42/49

The freeze stun only triggers on damage greater than 10 after reductions.

Ghost Walk

Invoker manipulates the ice and electrical energies around him, rendering his body invisible. The elemental imbalance created as a consequence slows nearby enemies based on the level of Quas, and slows Invoker as well based on the level of Wex.

Duration: 100

Radius: 400

Enemy Slow (Quas): 20%/25%/30%/35%/40%/45%/50%

Self Speed (Wex): -30%/-20%/-10%/0%/10%/20%/30%

The slow effect does not work on Spell Immune enemies.

Point Target Physical

Unleashes a fast moving tornado that picks up enemy units in its path, suspending them helplessly in the air shortly before allowing them to plummet to their doom. Travels further based on the level of Wex. Holds enemies in the air for a duration based on the level of Quas. Deals base damage plus added damage based on levels in Wex.

Travel Distance (Wex): 800/1200/1600/2000/2400/2800/3200

Radius: 200

Lift Time (Quas): 0.8/1.1/1.4/1.7/2/2.3/2.5

Base Damage: 70

Added Damage (Wex): 45/90/135/180/225/270/315

Units are invulnerable while affected by Tornado, and the damage is dealt when landing.

Point Target Pure

Invoker builds up a charge of electromagnetic energy at a targeted location which automatically detonates after 2.9 seconds. The detonation covers an area, draining mana based on the level of Wex. Deals damage for each point of mana drained. If EMP drains mana from an enemy hero, Invoker gains 50% of the mana drained.

Charge Time: 2.9

Radius: 675

Max Mana Burned (Wex): 100/175/250/325/400/475/550

Burn Damage: 50%

Will not affect cycloned units (Tornado or Eul's Scepter of Divinity).

Unit Target Allies

Invoker infuses an ally with an immense surge of energy, increasing their attack speed based on the level of Wex and their damage based on the level of Exort.

Bonus Attack Speed (Wex): 20/30/40/50/60/70/80

Bonus Damage (Exort): 20/30/40/50/60/70/80

Duration: 9

Chaos Meteor
Point Target Physical

Invoker pulls a flaming meteor from space onto the targeted location. Upon landing, the meteor rolls forward, constantly dealing damage based on the level of Exort, and rolling further based on the level of Wex. Units hit by the meteor will also be set on fire for a short time, receiving additional damage based on the level of Exort.

Impact Delay: 1.3

Radius: 275

Travel Distance (Wex): 465/615/780/930/1095/1245/1410

Contact Damage Tick: 0.5

Contact Damage (Exort): 57.5/75/92.5/110/127.5/145/162.5

Burn Duration: 3

Burn Damage Per Second (Exort): 11.5/15/18.5/22/25.5/29/32.5

Deals main damage to enemy units under meteor every 0.5 seconds and burns enemies for smaller damage over 3 seconds.

The meteor moves at a speed of 300.

Sun Strike
Point Target Pure

Sends a catastrophic ray of fierce energy from the sun at any targeted location, incinerating all enemies standing beneath it once it reaches the earth. Deals damage based on the level of Exort, however this damage is spread evenly over all enemies hit.

Delay: 1.7

Radius: 175

Damage (Exort): 100/162.5/225/287.5/350/412.5/475

Gives vision of the target area before the strike.

Invoker gains experience with kills made from Sun Strike, even if made from outside of experience range.

Forge Spirit

Invoker forges a spirit embodying the strength of fire and fortitude of ice. Damage, health, and armor are based on the level of Exort while attack range, mana, and duration are based on the level of Quas. The elemental's scorching attack is capable of melting the armor of enemy heroes. If both Quas and Exort are level 4 or higher, Invoker will create two spirits instead of one.

Damage (Exort): 29/38/47/56/65/74/83

Health (Exort): 300/400/500/600/700/800/900

Armor (Exort): 0/1/2/3/4/5/6

Attack Range (Quas): 300/365/430/495/560/625/690

Mana (Quas): 100/150/200/250/300/350/400

Duration (Quas): 20/30/40/50/60/70/80

Casting this abiliy will replace currently summoned Forged Spirits.

Ice Wall

Generates a wall of solid ice directly in front of Invoker for a duration based on the level of Quas. The bitter cold emanating from it greatly slows nearby enemies based on the level of Quas and deals damage each second based on the level of Exort.

Wall Duration (Quas): 3/4.5/6/7.5/9/10.5/12

Movement Slow (Quas): 20%/40%/60%/80%/100%/120%/140%

Slow Duration: 2

Damage Per Second (Exort): 6/12/18/24/30/36/42

The slow will still affect Spell Immune enemies if their spell immunity was created after being affected by Ice Wall.

Deafening Blast
Point Target Physical

Invoker unleashes a mighty sonic wave in front of him, dealing damage to any enemy unit it collides with based on the level of Exort. The sheer impact from the blast is enough to knock those enemy units back for a duration based on the level of Quas, then disarm their attacks for a duration based on the level of Wex. If Quas, Wex, and Exort are all at max level, Deafening Blast becomes a non-targetable circular wave released in every direction around Invoker.

Travel Distance: 1000

Damage (Exort): 40/80/120/160/200/240/280

Knockback Duration (Quas): 0.25/0.5/0.75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75

Disarm Duration (Wex): 1/1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5/4

This skill interrupts channeling abilities.


19 + 1.7 20 + 1.9 22 + 3.2
Level Base 1 25
Health 150 511 1286
Health Regen 0.25 0.8 2.0
Mana 0 286 1284
Mana Regen 0.01 0.5 2.0
Armor -1 1.9 8.4
Attack Rate 1.7 1.42 1.03


Level Min Avg Max
Base 13 16 19
1 35 38 41
25 112 115 118


Magic Resistance 25
Attack Range 600
Projectile Speed 900
Movement Speed 280
Turn Rate 0.5
Day Vision 1800
Night Vision 800
Hero Radius 70