
Just as higher states of energy seek a lower level, the Spectre known as Mercurial is a being of intense and violent energy who finds herself irresistibly drawn to scenes of strife as they unfold in the physical world. While her normal spectral state transcends sensory limitations, each time she takes on a physical manifestation, she is stricken by a loss of self--though not of purpose. In the clash of combat, her identity shatters and reconfigures, and she begins to regain awareness. She grasps that she is Mercurial the Spectre--and that all of her Haunts are but shadows of the one true Spectre. Focus comes in the struggle for survival; her true mind reasserts itself; until in the final moments of victory or defeat, she transcends matter and is restored once more to her eternal form.

Spectral Dagger
Unit Target Enemies Physical

Spectre flings a dagger to draw a Shadow Path, dealing damage and slowing the movement speed of any enemies along the trail. Units hit by the dagger also trail a Shadow Path. While treading the path, Spectre phases through otherwise impassable terrain.

Damage: 50/100/150/200

Movement Speed Change: 8%/12%/16%/20%

Duration: 7

Slows Spell Immune units.

There is a 2 second grace period after leaving the path where no collision is preserved.

Passive Pure

Deals bonus pure damage when Spectre attacks an enemy hero who is alone.

Bonus Damage: 20/35/50/65

Radius: 325

Damage is dealt before Spectre's attack.

Spectre's illusions also have Desolate.

Passive Pure

Damage done to Spectre is reflected on her enemies, leaving her unharmed. The effect lessens with distance.

Min Radius: 300

Max Radius: 1000

Damage Reflected: 10%/14%/18%/22%

The reflected damage is not dealt to Spectre.

Illusions don't get this ability.

Point Target

Spectre exchanges places with a chosen Haunt.


Creates a spectral nemesis to attack each enemy hero after a short delay. At any moment during the duration, Spectre can use Reality to exchange places of a given haunt. Haunt illusions are uncontrollable, take extra damage, and deal less damage than Spectre herself. They move at 400 base movement speed and ignore terrain.

Haunt Duration: 5/6/7

Haunt Damage: 30%

Haunt Damage Taken: 200%

Haunt illusions are uncontrollable, move at 400 base movement speed, and cannot be disabled.

There is a 1 second delay before illusions start attacking their target.


19 + 2 23 + 2.2 16 + 1.9
Level Base 1 25
Health 150 511 1423
Health Regen 0.25 0.8 2.3
Mana 0 208 801
Mana Regen 0.01 0.3 1.2
Armor 0 3.3 10.8
Attack Rate 1.7 1.38 0.97


Level Min Avg Max
Base 23 25 27
1 46 48 50
25 99 101 103


Magic Resistance 25
Attack Range Melee
Movement Speed 290
Turn Rate 0.4
Day Vision 1800
Night Vision 800
Hero Radius 70