
The fabric of creation needs constant care, lest it grow tattered; for when it unravels, whole worlds come undone. It is the work of the Weavers to keep the fabric tight, to repair worn spots in the mesh of reality. They also defend from the things that gnaw and lay their eggs in frayed regions, whose young can quickly devour an entire universe if the Weavers let their attention lapse. Skitskurr was a master Weaver, charged with keeping one small patch of creation tightly woven and unfaded. But the job was not enough to satisfy. It nagged him that the original work of creation all lay in the past; the Loom had done its work and travelled on. He wanted to create rather than merely maintain--to weave worlds of his own devising. He began making small changes to his domain, but the thrill of creation proved addictive, and his strokes became bolder, pulling against the pattern that the Loom had woven. The guardians came, with their scissors, and Weaver's world was pared off, snipped from the cosmic tapestry, which they rewove without him in it. Skitskurr found himself alone, apart from his kind, a state that would have been torment for any other Weaver. But Skitskurr rejoiced, for now he was free. Free to create for himself, to begin anew. The raw materials he needed to weave a new reality were all around him. All he had to do was tear apart this old world at the seams.

The Swarm
Point Target Magical

Weaver launches a swarm of 12 young Weavers that latch on any enemy unit in their path, attacking and reducing armor until it is killed.

Attack Damage: 20

Attack Frequency: 1.4/1.25/1.1/0.95

Count: 12

Armor Reduction: 1

Duration: 16

Attacks To Destroy: 8

When a beetle latches on a target, it will remain there until it is killed or the duration expires.

Beetles are Spell Immune, but can be killed in 4 attacks from a hero, or 8 from other units.

Beetles provide 321/321 sight, but will drop off their target if it becomes invisible.

Instant Physical

Weaver shifts out of visibility, gaining the ability to move at maximum speed through physical units--doing harm to any enemies it passes through.

Damage: 75/100/125/150

Radius: 175

Fade Time: 0.25

Duration: 4

Can only damage the same unit once per cast.

Geminate Attack

Allows Weaver to dispatch two attacks at once.

The second attack will never trigger attack effects such as bash or critical strike.

The second attack leaves Weaver 0.25 seconds after the first, and has no range limit.

Time Lapse

Weaver warps backward to whatever position it was in five seconds earlier--regaining the HP and mana from that time. No effect on cooldown, gold or experience. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.

Scepter Ally Cast Range: 1000

Removes most negative buffs from Weaver.


15 + 1.5 14 + 2.5 15 + 1.8
Level Base 1 25
Health 150 435 1119
Health Regen 0.25 0.7 1.8
Mana 0 195 757
Mana Regen 0.01 0.3 1.2
Armor -1 1.0 9.6
Attack Rate 1.8 1.58 1.03


Level Min Avg Max
Base 36 41 46
1 50 55 60
25 110 115 120


Magic Resistance 25
Attack Range 425
Projectile Speed 900
Movement Speed 290
Turn Rate 0.5
Day Vision 1800
Night Vision 800
Hero Radius 70