
Each young acolyte to the Dezun order must complete a series of rites before becoming a shadow priest. The final rite, the rite of shades, is a harrowing spiritual journey through the Nothl Realm, an unpredictable domain from which not all visitants return. Of those who do, some return mad. Others return with strange aptitudes. But all who go there are changed by their experiences. Driven by the need for enlightenment, Dazzle was the youngest of his tribe ever to request the sacred ritual. At first the order refused him, saying he was too young. But Dazzle was not to be dissuaded. Sensing something special in the headstrong young acolyte, the elders relented. Dazzle drank down the sacred potion and sat by the fire while the rest of his tribe danced through the night. In this ethereal dimension of the Nothl Realm, the properties of light and dark are inverted. Thus his brilliant healing light, beautiful to our eye, is actually a sinister kind of evil; and the darkest deeds are done in a dazzling glow. The elders' intuition was prophetic: Dazzle returned to his people as a Shadow Priest like none seen before, with the power to heal as well as to destroy. Now he uses his gift to cut down his enemies and mend his friends.

Poison Touch
Unit Target Enemies Magical

Casts a poisonous spell on an enemy unit, gradually slowing movement, and causing damage over time. LEVEL 1 - Slows the target by 33% for 3 seconds. LEVEL 2 - Slows the target by 33% for 2 seconds, then by 66% for 1 second. LEVEL 3 - Slows the target by 33%, 66%, and 100%, for 1 second each. LEVEL 4 - Slows the target by 33% for 1 second, then 66% for 1 second, then stuns for 1 second.

Slow Time: 3

Damage Duration: 10

The damage is not reduced by damage block abilities.

Shallow Grave
Unit Target Allies

An ally blessed with Shallow Grave, no matter how close to death, cannot die while under its protection.

Duration: 5

Range: 550/700/850/1000

HP cannot go below 1 while under the effects of Shallow Grave, but Axe's Culling Blade will still kill the hero.

Shadow Wave
Unit Target Allies Magical

Sends out a bolt of power that arcs between allies, healing them while damaging any units standing nearby. Dazzle is always healed by Shadow Wave.

Heal Arc Radius: 475

Damage Radius: 185

Max Heal Targets: 4/5/6/7

Prioritizes allied heroes over creeps.

If enemies are near multiple allied units affected by Shadow Wave, they will take multiple instances of damage.

Point Target

Applies a buff that increases the armor of allied heroes while decreasing the armor of enemy heroes in the target area over time. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.

Radius: 575

Armor Per Second: 0.75/1/1.25

Duration: 24

Scepter Radius: 775

Scepter Armor Per Second: 1.25/1.5/1.75

Places a buff on units, so entering or leaving the area after the cast has no effect.


16 + 1.85 21 + 1.7 27 + 3.4
Level Base 1 25
Health 150 454 1298
Health Regen 0.25 0.7 2.1
Mana 0 351 1412
Mana Regen 0.01 0.6 2.2
Armor -1 2.0 7.8
Attack Rate 1.7 1.40 1.05


Level Min Avg Max
Base 14 23 32
1 41 50 59
25 123 132 141


Magic Resistance 25
Attack Range 550
Projectile Speed 1200
Movement Speed 305
Turn Rate 0.6
Day Vision 1800
Night Vision 800
Hero Radius 70