Queen of Pain

The Ecclesiast-King of Elze nursed a desire for pain--forbidden pain. In a less prominent political figure, such desires might be considered unwise, but in a monarch of his stature, to satisfy such thirsts would have threatened the virtue of the Divine Throne itself. Therefore he turned to his dungeon full of demonologists, promising freedom to whoever could summon a personal succubus of torment and bind it entirely to his service. The creature who arrived, Akasha by name, visited upon him such exquisite torments that he named her his Secret Queen, and he began to spend all his spare moments submitting to her clever torments--eventually abdicating all his responsibilities in his pursuit of the painful pleasures that only she could bring. Queen of Pain could bring him to the brink of death, but she was rune-bound to keep him alive. At last the King's neglect of state brought on an uprising. He was dragged from his chamber and hurled from the Tower of Invocations, and at the moment of death, Queen of Pain was let loose into the world, freed from servitude--freed to visit her sufferings on anyone she deigned to notice.

Shadow Strike
Unit Target Enemies Physical

Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed slowed for 15 seconds. An instance of damage is dealt every 3 seconds.

Initial Damage: 50/75/100/125

Damage Per Tick: 30/40/50/60

Movement Slow: 20%/30%/40%/50%

Cast Range: 450/475/500/525

Duration: 15

The affected unit slowly regains its original movement speed every second during the duration.

Units afflicted by Shadow Strike can be denied by their allies when their HP drops below 25% of their maximum health.

Point Target

Short distance teleportation that allows Queen of Pain to move in and out of combat.

Range: 1300

You can use Blink to dodge incoming projectiles.

Scream Of Pain

The Queen of Pain lets loose a piercing scream around her, damaging nearby enemies.

Radius: 475

Scream Of Pain will hit invisible units.

Scream Of Pain cannot be disjointed.

Sonic Wave
Point Target Pure

Creates a gigantic wave of sound in front of Queen of Pain, dealing heavy damage to all enemy units in its wake. Upgradable with Aghanim's Scepter.

Wave Max Radius: 450

Damage: 290/390/490

Scepter Cooldown: 40

Scepter Damage: 325/450/575

Sonic Wave can hit units up to 1350 units away.

Queen of Pain

16 + 1.7 18 + 2 24 + 2.5
Level Base 1 25
Health 150 454 1229
Health Regen 0.25 0.7 2.0
Mana 0 312 1092
Mana Regen 0.01 0.5 1.7
Armor -1 1.6 8.4
Attack Rate 1.6 1.36 0.96


Level Min Avg Max
Base 25 29 33
1 49 53 57
25 109 113 117


Magic Resistance 25
Attack Range 550
Projectile Speed 1500
Movement Speed 295
Turn Rate 0.5
Day Vision 1800
Night Vision 800
Hero Radius 70