
Riki was born middle child to the great dynasty of Tahlin. With an older brother groomed for the throne, and a younger brother coddled and kept, Riki, the small middle son, seemed born for the art of invisibility. It was an art he cultivated, and one which ultimately saved his life on the night that his people were betrayed and his family slaughtered. Of all the royal line, he alone escaped, small and agile, unassuming, using smoke as cover. He cut his way out of the royal grounds, using the advantage of surprise, quietly slitting the throats of one enemy warrior after another. Now free of his royal responsibilities, Riki uses his talents in service to a new trade: Stealth Assassin. He silences his enemies, sharpening his skills, hoping to one day take revenge on those who killed his family and robbed him of his birthright.

Smoke Screen
Point Target

Throws down a smoke bomb, silencing enemies, causing causing them to miss most attacks, as well as slowing movement and turn speed.

Radius: 250/275/300/325

Miss Rate: 40%/50%/60%/70%

Movement Slow: 25%

Turn Slow: 30%

Duration: 6

Doesn't prevent the use of active items.

Permanent Invisibility

Riki fades into the shadows, becoming invisible and gaining additional health regeneration. If Riki attacks an enemy, he will become visible.

Fade Delay: 8/6/4/2

Invis Health Regen: 4/5/6/7

Riki won't auto attack enemies while invisible.

Passive Magical

If Riki attacks from behind, bonus damage is applied based on his current agility.

Agi Damage Mult: 0.5/0.75/1/1.25

Illusions of Riki will play Backstab animations, but not deal any bonus damage.

Bonus damage from Backstab can't be evaded.

Blink Strike
Unit Target Physical

Teleports behind the target unit, striking for bonus damage if it is an enemy. Blink Strike charges restore every 35 seconds.

Range: 800

Bonus Damage: 40/70/100

Max Charges: 4/5/6

Charge Restore Time: 35

Riki's first attack after Blink Strike will be a backstab.

Blink Strike's damage is dealt before the next attack.

You can Blink Strike to allies, but no damage is dealt.


17 + 2 34 + 2.9 14 + 1.3
Level Base 1 25
Health 150 473 1385
Health Regen 0.25 0.8 2.2
Mana 0 182 588
Mana Regen 0.01 0.3 0.9
Armor 1 5.9 15.8
Attack Rate 1.7 1.27 0.83


Level Min Avg Max
Base 4 6 8
1 38 40 42
25 108 110 112


Magic Resistance 25
Attack Range Melee
Movement Speed 290
Turn Rate 0.6
Day Vision 1800
Night Vision 800
Hero Radius 70