
In life, the frost-mage Ethreain (not yet a Lich) had used the threat of destructive ice to enslave entire kingdoms. His subjects, aided by a few desperate magicians, eventually grew bold enough to ambush him. Armed with enough charmed rope to bind him forever, they tied the frost mage to adamant weights and dropped him in a pool known chiefly for being bottomless. It wasn't. He only fell for a year or so before an outcrop snagged him. There he rested, dead but undecaying, until the geomancer Anhil thought to verify the legend of the supposedly bottomless Black Pool. Anhil's plumbline snarled with the ropes that bound the drowned magician, and up he hauled an unexpected prize. Thinking that by rendering the dead undead, he could question the Lich about the properties of the pool, he removed the bindings and commenced a simple rite of resurrection. Even the descendants of Ethreain's enemies were long forgotten by time, so there were none to warn Anhil against imprudence. But he learned the error of his judgment almost immediately, as Lich threw off the shackles and consumed him.

Frost Blast
Unit Target Enemies Physical

Blasts the target enemy unit with damaging frost, dealing area damage and slowing movement and attack rates for 4 seconds. The primary target takes the most damage.

Radius: 200

Movement Slow: 30%

Attack Slow: 20

Area Damage: 75/100/125/150

Ice Armor
Unit Target Allies

Creates a shield around the target friendly unit or building, which adds armor and slows attacking units. Lasts 40 seconds.

Ally Armor Bonus: 3/5/7/9

Enemy Move Slow: 30%

Enemy Attack Slow: 20

Slow Duration: 2

If autocast is activated, Lich will cast this spell on nearby allies who are attacked.

Unit Target Allies

Sacrifices a friendly creep and converts its current hit points into mana for Lich. Grants XP to both enemies and allies.

Health Conversion: 25%/40%/55%/70%

Chain Frost
Unit Target Enemies Physical

Releases an orb of frost that bounces between nearby enemy units up to 10 times, slowing and damaging each time it hits. The first target is mini-stunned. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.

Damage Each Bounce: 280/370/460

Bounces: 10

Bounce Range: 575

Movement Slow: 30%

Attack Slow: 20

Slow Duration: 4

Scepter Damage: 370/460/550

Scepter Cast Range: 850

The first target will be immediately interrupted. This stun goes through spell immunity.

Chain Frost cannot be disjointed.

Chain Frost has a movement speed of 750.

Chain Frost's first target ministun is not blocked by spell immunity.


18 + 1.55 15 + 2 18 + 3.25
Level Base 1 25
Health 150 492 1199
Health Regen 0.25 0.8 1.9
Mana 0 234 1248
Mana Regen 0.01 0.4 1.9
Armor -1 1.1 8.0
Attack Rate 1.7 1.48 1.04


Level Min Avg Max
Base 24 29 33
1 42 47 51
25 120 125 129


Magic Resistance 25
Attack Range 550
Projectile Speed 900
Movement Speed 315
Turn Rate 0.5
Day Vision 1800
Night Vision 800
Hero Radius 70