
Sven is the bastard son of a Vigil Knight, born of a Pallid Meranth, raised in the Shadeshore Ruins. With his father executed for violating the Vigil Codex, and his mother shunned by her wild race, Sven believes that honor is to be found in no social order, but only in himself. After tending his mother through a lingering death, he offered himself as a novice to the Vigil Knights, never revealing his identity. For thirteen years he studied in his father's school, mastering the rigid code that declared his existence an abomination. Then, on the day that should have been his In-Swearing, he seized the Outcast Blade, shattered the Sacred Helm, and burned the Codex in the Vigil's Holy Flame. He strode from Vigil Keep, forever solitary, following his private code to the last strict rune. Still a knight, yes...but a Rogue Knight. He answers only to himself.

Storm Hammer
Unit Target Enemies Physical

Sven unleashes his magical gauntlet that deals damage and stuns enemy units.

Duration: 2

Radius: 255

Great Cleave

Sven strikes with great force, cleaving all nearby enemy units with his attack.

Radius: 300

Cleave Damage: 20%/35%/50%/65%

Cleave damage is reduced by armor type but not by armor value.

Cleave damage goes through spell immunity.

The cleave damages a circular area in front of Sven.


Sven's Warcry heartens his allies for battle, increasing their movement speed and armor. Lasts 8 seconds.

Bonus Armor: 5/10/15/20

Bonus Speed: 12%

Radius: 900

Duration: 8

Fully stacks with other armor and speed granting abilities.

God's Strength

Sven channels his rogue strength, granting bonus damage for 25 seconds. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.

Bonus Damage: 100%/150%/200%

Scepter Ally Aura Radius: 900

Scepter Ally Bonus Damage: 50%/75%/100%

The bonus damage is based on base damage and the primary attribute of Sven.


23 + 2.7 21 + 2 14 + 1.3
Level Base 1 25
Health 150 587 1818
Health Regen 0.25 0.9 2.9
Mana 0 182 588
Mana Regen 0.01 0.3 0.9
Armor 2 5.0 11.9
Attack Rate 1.7 1.40 1.01


Level Min Avg Max
Base 37 38 39
1 60 61 62
25 125 126 127


Magic Resistance 25
Attack Range Melee
Movement Speed 295
Turn Rate 0.6
Day Vision 1800
Night Vision 800
Hero Radius 70