Earth Spirit

Deep amid the Upland crags and cliffs there runs a seam of sacred jade long foresworn by highland miners. From this rare material, the likeness of the great general Kaolin was carved and buried at the head of a stone funerary army ten thousand strong--a force of soldiers and holy men, jesters and acrobats, carved by crafstmen and entombed for millennia in the dark embrace of the Earth. What the craftsmen had not known was that within the strange seam of jade flowed the spirit of the Earth itself--an elemental force at one with the planet. When the force within the carved jade found itself cut off from the life's blood of the world, it gathered its strength over the course of a thousand years and dug itself free and into the light. Now the great Kaolin Earth Spirit strides the Upland roads, fighting for the spirit of the Earth; and in times of need calls forth remnants of his buried army still locked in the loving embrace of the soil.

Boulder Smash
Unit Target Allies/Enemies Physical

Earth Spirit smashes the target enemy or ally, sending them in the direction he is facing. If Earth Spirit targets an area, he will smash the nearest Stone Remnant in a 200 radius. The travelling unit or Remnant damages all enemy units it hits. If an enemy is hit by a Stone Remnant, they are also stunned. Stone Remnants travel further than other units.

Remnant Smash Radius: 200

Damage: 50/100/150/200

Stun Duration: 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25

Travel Speed: 1200

Distance: 500/600/700/800

Distance (remnant): 2000

Stun is only applied if the initial target is a Stone Remnant.

Boulder Smash's cooldown is not reset if it fails to knock back a unit or Remnant.

Rolling Boulder
Point Target Physical

Earth Spirit gathers himself into a boulder and, after a 0.6s delay, rolls toward the target location, damaging enemy units. He will stop if he collides with a hero or is stunned. If he rolls over a Stone Remnant, he will travel further and faster, and enemies hit by the boulder will have their movement speed slowed.

Speed: 800

Speed (remnant): 1600

Distance: 800

Distance (remnant): 1600

Damage: 100

Movement Slow: 80%

Slow Duration: 2

Rolling over a Stone Remnant will destroy the Remnant.

The boulder has a radius of 150.

Geomagnetic Grip
Unit Target Allies Physical

Earth Spirit pulls the target Stone Remnant or allied unit to his location. Enemies struck by the gripped target will be silenced, and take damage if the gripped target is a Stone Remnant.

Silence Duration: 2.5/3/3.5/4

Hero Pull Speed: 600

Remnant Damage: 50/100/150/200

Remnant Pull Speed: 1000

Will not work on a unit inside Chronosphere, Duel, or Black Hole.

Stone Remnant
Point Target

Call a Stone Remnant to the target location. Stones Remnants have no vision and are invulnerable, and can be used with Earth Spirit's abilities. Calling a Stone Remnant consumes a charge, which recharge over time.

Max Charges: 6

Charge Restore Time: 30

Duration: 120

Enchant Remnant
Unit Target Physical

Earth Spirit temporarily enchants a hero, granting them the properties of a Stone Remnant. After 3 seconds the remnant shatters, releasing the hero and damaging nearby enemies.

Remnant Duration: 3

Shatter Damage: 300

Shatter Radius: 300


Magnetizes units in a small nearby area, causing them to take damage for a short duration. Magnetized heroes cause nearby Stone Remnants to explode, destroying the remnant and refreshing Magnetize's duration on all nearby enemies. This process can repeat multiple times. If an enemy hero is affected by silence or slows as a result of Geomagnetic Grip or Rolling Boulder, all magnetized heroes share the effects. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.

Radius: 300

Damage Per Second: 50/75/100

Magnetize Duration: 6

Remnant Refresh Radius: 400

Remnant Explosion Radius: 600

Earth Spirit

21 + 2.9 17 + 1.5 18 + 2.4
Level Base 1 25
Health 150 549 1871
Health Regen 0.25 0.9 3.0
Mana 0 234 983
Mana Regen 0.01 0.4 1.5
Armor 1 3.4 8.6
Attack Rate 1.7 1.45 1.11


Level Min Avg Max
Base 25 30 35
1 46 51 56
25 116 121 126


Magic Resistance 25
Attack Range Melee
Movement Speed 305
Turn Rate 0.6
Day Vision 1800
Night Vision 800
Hero Radius 70